narayanan sridhar
1 min readJan 23, 2024


Power of Smile

More on this topic from my YouTube Channel -Sunday Gyan

The Importance & power of simple “Smile”

Smile is the most unique response expressed only by humans in the universe. A warm and a sincere smile always lend a positive ambience to any relationship.

Now a day in parks & playgrounds in cities, towns and even villages across the world, you can find a group of people indulging in an excise of forced laughter to the amusement of many. But, even this forced laughter ends with smiles of happiness. This in essence is the power of smile, even a forced one ends making a lot of cheer!

If, you look back on our childhood or younger days almost all activity was accompanied by mischievous smile, even remembering those days brings a fleeting smile to our face. But as we grew old we seem to have lost this ability to smile, may be a loss of innocence or we most probably we lost the ability to enjoy small things that brings happiness to our life.

So do you all agree a warm smile in our face makes this world a better place?

Looking forward to your comments & keep smiling folks!

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